Living Museums is dedicated to history and heritage projects - created with and for young people

Tor Pignattara, Roma
Story of a neighbourhood
Istituto Comprensivo Simonetta Salacone, one of the partners on the “Breaking Down Barriers” project, is based in Tor Pignattara, a neighborhood in Rome which is steeped in history.
In World War II, the community played a crucial role in the resistance movement, during the nine-month Nazi Occupation of Rome.
Today, the neighborhood is rich in diversity. First- and second-generation migrant communities live in close proximity with people who knew life under the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini.
Partners from the “Breaking Down Barriers” project were taken on a guided tour of the area by Professor Pietro Vereni of the University of Roma Tor Vergata. He pointed to the historical traces that remain in the area, of different migrant communities through time. You can see a record of our visit in these three videos.
We also took part, with children from the Simonetta Salacone School, in a ceremony to unveil a so-called “Stumbling Stone,” in honour of Antonio Roazzi, a local hero who was assassinated in WWII. Below, you can see our film of the placing of the stone.
You can also sees a video, Tre storie di un quartiere, created by pupils at Istituto Comprensivo Simonetta Salacone (in association with melting pro), all about the area where they live.