Living Museums is dedicated to history and heritage projects - created with and for young people

Feeling the city
In this project, children had to map the emotions and feelings of the city. The project explored the way different people, from different backgrounds, both residents and tourists, see the city and their emotional perspectives regarding different city areas and characteristics.
Projeto Scholé
Matosinhos, Portugal

Children and families had the opportunity to interview people from different origins, to observe their interactions with the city and to create an app for collecting information about the feelings/emotions triggered by the city.
Children also created a prototype of the city, representing the key emotions of each place. The project explored the emotional bond citizens have with the city and the impact of your cultural and geographical background in the way you assess the environment.
Age groups: 3-6 and 6-10, plus families

Methods used: Design thinking; Coding; Arts; Storytelling; Digital Storytelling; Augmented reality
More information about the “Feeling the City” project can be found in this pdf file (in Portuguese):

The project is in accord with the approach to teaching at Projeto Scholé. As the school states, the idea is that
“Os alunos mobilizam-se para resolver desafios importantes para si ou para o mundo, investem em projetos de aprendizagem com impacto real na comunidade e que podem ser apresentados publicamente. Ao longo do processo, os alunos consciencializam-se e reforçam a sua confiança de que podem agir sobre a envolvente. Projetos com propósito potenciam alunos dedicados.”
“Students are mobilized to solve important challenges for themselves or the world, and invest in learning projects with real impact on the community, and that can be presented publicly. Throughout the process, students are made aware, and their confidence is increased, that they can act on the surroundings. Projects with purpose produce dedicated students."
The video was produced by members of the “Breaking Down Barriers” following their visit to the school.