Living Museums is dedicated to history and heritage projects - created with and for young people

Rome, Italy
A School Open to the World
The World in a School
Discovering a Neighbourhood
The project aims to explore the social changes in the Tor Pignattara neighborhood, a suburb of East Rome, which has always been the subject of migratory processes. In the past it welcomed immigrants from southern Italy, today it welcomes immigrants from the southern hemisphere.
The C. Pisacane School, located in this area, today welcomes around 20 different ethnic communities, becoming the representation of the society of the future.

Age group: 10-11 year olds
Methods used: Photos, published materials, Oral History Interviews , going out in the neighborhood to explore the area, Digital storytelling
Children as Tour Guides
Following the exploration of the neighborhood, the pupils wrote stories (between truth and invention) relating to some very significant places, buildings and streets. Relevant places were signed by coloured stickers. We organized an informal guided tour with children as guides in places marked as relevant.
You can see children working on the Heritage Trail, in the video. You can also read a report on the "Breaking Down Barriers" project, produced by the school, in this PDF file. (In Italian)